On the Flipside

WATCH NOW: Creating Your First Uniswap Query

Uniswap bounties

It’s time to master Uniswap V3.

Flipside’s bounty expert, Angela Minster, has once again returned to help you solve bounty questions with ease — and get paid! This time, she’ll be demonstrating how you can solve Uniswap V3 queries using Velocity.

Master Uniswap bounties

Watch the video below to see how @angelaminster works to solve a previous bounty. Specifically, she’ll be analyzing which pools in Uniswap V3 are the most active.

To get the answer, all you need to do is:

  1. Go to Velocity and open a new query
  2. Then, choose Uniswap V3 from the drop-down menu on the left-hand side of your screen. From here, you can view all of the different tables for Uniswap data
  3. Next, enter your query into the Velocity interface
  4. Then, run the query and view and verify the results
  5. Finally, create a visualization if necessary, and add your query table into a dashboard
  6. Submit your dashboard — but before you do, don’t forget to add a description, context, and insights to your bounty to help it stand out as a top submission

Learn more by checking out the video below.

Complete your first bounty today

Got a handle on how to solve Flipside Crypto bounties using Velocity and SQL? Good. Now it’s time to put that knowledge into practice, start getting paid for answering crypto analytics queries and become a full-fledged bounty hunter.

Start by checking out Flipside Crypto’s video tutorials. They’ll help you get started with Velocity and learn how to get paid for solving crypto bounties. Then, view our Uniswap bounties and complete your first Uniswap bounty.

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