On the Flipside

Learn SQL and Earn Crypto With These Simple Bounties

Learn SQL and earn

So, you want to hop on board with Flipside Crypto’s bounty program and learn SQL in the process? Well, you’ve come to the right place.

We know from talking to our impressive and quickly growing community on Discord that there’s lots of future bounty hunters eager to get on board with our bounty program.

The problem is that you just don’t know where to start. Many of Flipside’s bounties seem super complex and difficult, and what’s more, you don’t know SQL. 

That’s why all week, we here at Flipside Crypto will be hosting super-simple bounty questions to help you get started. These questions are designed so that anyone can quickly and easily find the answer, and learn SQL along the way.

Learn SQL and Earn Crypto

We’re releasing a set of bounty questions designed to help you get started – three for Compound, and three for Uniswap. Each valid submission will earn 0.5 COMP or 7.5 UNI.

You can find Compound Bounties here and Uniswap Bounties here.

Up to 25 people can answer each of the questions. Once you see a question that captures your imagination, just get to work! Just start by following these 3 steps to get started with Velocity. Then use our tools to answer the question you’ve chose. 

If you get stuck, don’t worry. Our documentation should be able to provide answers to most of your most frequent questions.

Plus, if you need any more help or just want support from some friendly faces, you can always hop into our Discord server. It’s full of Flipside team members and community members alike, many of whom are always eager to help a newcomer get started and join the crew.

Then, just complete your bounty, submit it to our team here, and boom! You’re officially a fully-fledged bounty hunter here at Flipside Crypto. We’re glad you’re here.

Don’t miss out on the latest bounties, news, and more from Flipside Crypto! Join us on Discord, follow on Twitter, and subscribe to our newsletter, the Bounty Brief.

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