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THORCHAIN Deep Dive featuring @BlumbergKellen

A storm is forming on the horizon here at Flipside Crypto — that’s right, THORCHAIN data is on its way. Our calculator is almost ready for its public debut, and on-chain data and analytics bounties aren’t far behind.

But there’s a lot to be curious about when it comes to THORCHAIN. There’s the various dapps and interfaces that allow users to get involved, the #RaiseTheCaps rallying cry of the community, the interchain swaps it enables, and the recent breach carried out. 

So, to help you prepare for the debut of Flipside Crypto’s on-chain, labeled data and community-enabled analytics, we stole some time from our THORCHAIN expert, @BlumbergKellen. He joined us to break down everything you need to know about THORCHAIN before the debut of our data.

Check out the interview below, and let us know what else you’d like to learn about THORCHAIN. You can also follow Flipside Crypto on Racket to get more audio interviews.

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