Just Launched: Solana Scavenger Hunt


Looking to dive deeper into Solana, $SOL, and more, but not sure where to start?

We’ve got just the thing. Our  Solana Sunbeam Hunt is designed to help you introduce yourself to this protocol and the exciting ecosystem that surrounds it. That includes its native token, $SOL, plus other tokens and some applications built atop the network.

Let’s go hunting.

Get started with the Solana Scavenger Hunt

We believe that the best way to understand a crypto project is to get involved in it yourself. So, we’re committed to helping you get involved — and rewarding you for it — in the form of our  Solana Sunbeam Hunt.

We’re offering $15 in $SOL each to 100 participants that complete the  Solana Sunbeam hunt. 

Just click the button below, then follow the steps to complete the hunt. And, if you have any issues or questions along the way, reach out to our team on Discord. Once you’ve completed the tutorial, you’ll be successfully immersed in the ecosystem.

Happy hunting!

Learn more about Solana

Still having trouble immersing yourself in the world of Solana?

No problem. Join Flipside Crypto for a Community Call on Solana, the NFT Deal Score, our scavenger hunt, and much much more. The fun starts at 12 PM ET/5 PM UTC on Thursday, December 2, on the Flipside Crypto Discord server.

Get Started Now

Time to get hunting. Don’t forget, if you have any issues or questions along the way, reach out to our team on Discord. You can also learn more during our Community Call at 12 PM ET/5 PM UTC on Thursday, December 2

Happy hunting!

Don’t miss out on the latest bounties, news, and more from Flipside Crypto. Join us on Discord, follow on Twitter, and subscribe to our newsletter, the Bounty Brief.

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