On the Flipside

Learn SQL and Earn Crypto With Flipside’s New Video Tutorials

Learn SQL with Velocity

Time to go back to school. SQL school, that is.

Here at Flipside Crypto, we’re passionate about using data analytics to make the crypto space more open and transparent. That’s why we want to help you learn SQL with our new Velocity video tutorials — and get paid for using it to solve bounties.

We created Velocity so anyone could use SQL to pull from our labeled data. They can then use that data to create queries and answer all sorts of questions about what projects are up to and how they stack up to each other.

If all that sounds a bit intimidating, don’t worry. Data analyst extraordinaire and SQL superstar @angelaminster is here to help you get started with Velocity with a new series of tutorial videos.

Learn SQL, earn crypto

As you can see in the video below, solving bounties using SQL is fairly straightforward.

  1. Start by creating and naming a new collection adding a new query. 
  2. Then, name your query and input the query into Velocity. In our example below, @angelaminster analyzes WETH/USDT TVL on Uniswap. 
  3. Finally, run your query and view the results in the table below. You can also then build a visualization using the data from your query and share your work with the community.

Check out the video below to see for yourself how simple it can be. Then, don’t forget to check our blog frequently to see more video tutorials — you’ll be a SQL superstar in no time flat.

Get involved

Now that you’ve got the basics down, it’s time to get started with Flipside Crypto’s bounty program and get paid for answering crypto analytics queries.

Join our community on Discord, and make sure you subscribe to our weekly newsletter, the Bounty Brief! That way you won’t miss out on any of our bounties, educational content, and more.

And, if you want to get even more involved with our Terra bounty program, apply to our Community Ambassador role! You’ll get to work closely with the Flipside team to help grow our bounty program. Learn more here.

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