See This Week’s Top Uniswap Data Dashboards: September 23

Welcome back to our Uniswap data dashboards of the week! Each week, we turn people’s data questions into crypto bounties for data analysts to solve. 

In this edition, we’ve got three terrific Uniswap dashboards to show off. That includes a grand-prize winning submission from @coziieapp, @hoolupoodalz, and @darksoulsfanlol.

First up is a look at volume on Uniswap V3 and how it compares to V2 from @coziieapp and @hoolupoodalz.

Uniswap V2 outweighs V3 by volume

As @coziieapp’s submission shows, volume on Uniswap V2 far outweighed that on V3, with $293.62 billion, or 29% more volume than its successor.

Uniswap volume

Meanwhile, when we zoom in a bit closer to take a look at the largest total volume LP pools, as @hoolupoodalz did in this submission, we see some differences begin to emerge. Only one of the two largest pools shows a stationary and stabilized volume difference between V2 and V3 — namely the WETH-USDT pool.

Uniswap volume

Uniswap fees declining sharply

Next up is a look at Uniswap fees from @darksoulsfanlol. This time, our analyst sought to find out which Uniswap pool is generating the most fees.

Uniswap fees

As we can see above, the .3% fee pools are collecting the most fees by far, particularly when compared to the .005% and the 1% tiers. The .005% tier fared the worst among the three, with just one pool among the all-time best fee-generators.

See more data

That does it for this week. Thanks to everyone who submitted such great data dashboards!Want to get more involved with Flipside’s community and see your own submissions on our blog? Then make sure to join us on Discord, follow on Twitter, and subscribe to our newsletter, the Bounty Brief.

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