Uniswap Data Dashboards: See The Best of The Bunch

Welcome back to our Uniswap data dashboards of the week! Each week, we turn people’s data questions into crypto bounties for data analysts to solve. 

In this edition, we’ve got a total of three Uniswap bounties to show off. That includes queries on liquidity frequency, average liquidity, and WETH-USDT pools. 

Let’s get started.

LPs increase positions as markets fall

We’ll kick it off with a bounty from @BrianMe32966537, who examined liquidity frequency. Specifically, this submission looked at the total number of times distinct wallets increased and decreased liquidity over the past seven days. 

As we can see in the graphs below, there were some significant changes on June 15. These changes saw LPs increase their positions. Overall, however, liquidity frequency remains fairly consistent, @BrianMe32966537 said.

Uniswap liquidity peaks

Next up is @visavishesh, who took a look at average liquidity between WETH and USDT on the Uniswap network.

As @visavishesh points out in his submission, roughly $3-85 million liquidity was added to the WETH-USDT pools per day from June 15 to June 21. During the same time period, roughly $5-83 million was removed, with an average of $22.68 million.

Uniswap data dashboards

As the submission showed a near net-zero amount of liquidity was added and removed. A net negative amount, meanwhile, was removed from the .05% pool, while a net positive amount of 1% was added to the 1% pool.

Uniswap data dashboards

The biggest WETH-USDT position

Finally, we have @danmdoherty with a look at the max WETH owed to a given position in the WETH-USDT pool.

Dan’s submission found that, as of June 18, 2021, there is one position in the main WETH-USDT pool that’s owed more WETH than any other. According to the findings, NFT ID21520, at more than 2.5 WETH, is owed more than the next four positions combined, as can be seen below.

Uniswap data dashboards

@danmdoherty also provided a great step-by-step tutorial for completing SQL queries in submission. Check it out here!

Get involved

That does it for this week. Thanks to everyone who submitted such great Uniswap data dashboards! 

Want to get more involved with Flipside’s incredible community and see your own submissions on our blog? Then make sure to join us on Discord, follow on Twitter, and subscribe to our newsletter, the Bounty Brief.

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